What is the process of a Development Application?
Development approval also known as Planning Approval is a legal document that allows for a use of a development on a particular piece of land. Development approval is required to ensure that any use or development of land within the Shire of Carnarvon complies with the Schemes, Residential Design Codes, Policies and other relevant legislation.
What requires Development Approval?
The following are the frequent categories of development that require Development Approval, though not limited to:
Residential Development
- Construction of a single house, ancillary dwelling or outbuilding (or additions to these buildings) where a deemed-to-comply requirement of the Residential Design Codes is not met and a ‘judgement of merit’ is required). Note, a single house, ancillary accommodation or outbuilding that meets all relevant deemed-to-comply requirements of the R-Codes is exempt from development approval.
- Construction of or additions to grouped and multiple dwellings (e.g. units, townhouses, apartments, ).
- Modification or demolition of a place that is listed on the State Register of Heritage Places, or Shire Heritage List, or where it is subject to an order under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990.
Home-Based Business
Development approval is required for the use of a residential home for a home-based business could include, though not limited to:
- Food - such as jams, sauces, other condiments, cakes (no cream).
- Bed and breakfast - one meal (breakfast) per day.
- Family day care - food prepared in a residential kitchen for no more than six children
- Hairdressing
- Beauty therapy
Development approvals for home-based businesses may require approval from the Shire of Carnarvon's Environmental Health team.
Click here for the process map for obtaining development approval for a home-based business.
Commercial and Industrial Development
- Any construction work that affects the external appearance of a building or land.
- Any change of use of land or buildings from one use to another unless the new use is permitted in the zone.
- Commercial or industrial development on land declared bushfire-prone
Applying for Development Approval
Before you submit your Development Application. Please refer to the checklists below to ensure you have all the details you are required to include in your Development Application.
Development Application Checklist - New additions and alterations to existing dwelling
Development Application Checklist - Home based business
Application Form
To seek development approval, you are required to complete the Development Application Form.
To seek approval to operate a mobile business, you are required to complete the Mobile Trading Licence Application Form
Fees & Charges
You can refer to the Fees and Charges here.
Currently Advertised Development Applications
Details of the above proposal/s are available for inspection at the Shire of Carnarvon Administration Office, 3 Francis Street Carnarvon, and are also available by click on the documents in the above table.
Comments on the proposal may be submitted to the Shire of Carnarvon in writing on or before the “Comments Due Date” in the above table and should include:
- the name and address of the person making the comments,
- the property affected and
- detailed comments.
Comments can be:
- Emailed to:
- Posted to: Shire of Carnarvon
PO Box 459, Carnarvon WA 6701
- Lodged in person at the Shire administration office, 3 Francis Street, Carnarvon WA 6701
If you have any questions, please contact the Shire of Carnarvon at (08) 9941 0000.