Between October and April burn permits are required before a fire or open flame can be lit.  Apply for a Burn Permit Here!

Can I burn household rubbish at home?

No, household rubbish cannot be burnt at home or anywhere.  It needs to be placed in the Green Wheelie Bin provided and put out on the kerbside on your area's bin collection day.

What can I burn at home?

A householder can burn dry garden waste between May and September of each year. Between October and April burn permits are required before a fire or open flame can be lit. 

All burn areas must be contained with a clear buffer area of 5 metres, water hoses at the ready and physically watched at all times.

The safest option to dispose of waste is to take it to the Brown Range Tip, which is free for household rubbish and green waste.

While burning garden refuse can be a convenient way of removing dead plant material from your property, there are some things you should consider before lighting any fire.

  1. What are you burning?
  2. Where are you burning?
  3. Neighbours?
  4. Smoke?

Apply for a Burn Permit Here!

Contact the Shire Rangers for more information Rangers (08) 9941 0000 or   

When can I have a fire or do a burn off at home?

To conduct a planned burn at your residence between 1 October and 30 April, an application for a burn permit is required.  Apply for a Burn Permit Here!  
Permits are not required between 1 May and 30 September of each year unless there is a very high and above fire danger. 

Burning is not permitted on days with a Total Fire Ban or when Fire Danger Ratings are very high or above.  

Permits are available by contacting the Shire Rangers at or (08) 9941 0000

You can check the Fire ratings online at Emergency WA  (Gascoyne Coastal & Gascoyne Inland)

Do I need a permit to do a burn-off?

Yes, you will need a permit to conduct a planned burn between 1 October and 30 April of each year.  Burning is not allowed on Total Fire Ban days or days of very high and above fire danger rating. 

Permits are available by applying online here. Contacting the Shire Rangers at or (08) 9941 0000 for more information

Please see:

Emergency WA  for fire ratings (Gascoyne Coastal & Gascoyne Inland)

Do I need a permit to have a fire pit or wood fire BBQ?

During Restricted Fire Season from 1 October and 30 April, a permit is required and may be refused at any time due to weather conditions.  Cooking fires may be permitted on application. 

The Rangers should be notified when any burns are being planned to be carried out at any time of the year.  Permits are available by contacting the Shire Rangers at or (08) 9941 0000

There is smoke coming from my neighbours, what should I do?

Call 000 immediately for any sights of fire or smoke. 

When is fire season?

The Shire of Carnarvon is subject to fires all year round.  Restricted Fire Season is 1 October through to 30 April of each year.

When do fire breaks need to be completed?

All firebreaks need to be completed by the 1 October of every year and maintained until 30th April.

I smell smoke but don’t think it is an emergency, how can I call the Fire Station to check it out?

All sightings of fire or smoke call 000 whether you think it is an emergency or not.

Check on Emergency WA if you think it may be a planned burn.

How can I find out if there is a fire ban?

Please see:

What can I do during a Total Fire Ban?

Go to the Department of Fire and Emergency Services webpage for more information on what you can and can’t do on Total Fire Ban days.

DFES Bushfire Factsheet-Total Fire Bans 

Who is responsible for putting in fire breaks

Property owners/residents are responsible for putting in fire breaks.  The Shire is responsible for Crown Land Fire Breaks.

My neighbours’ yard is high with grass and weeds.  I believe it is a fire hazard, who do I report this to?

Report to the Shire of Carnarvon at and report the situation.  If it is deemed a fire hazard after an inspection the owners may be requested to tidy up the premises under the Bush Fire Act 1954. 

What are the penalties that can be enforced?

Some of the penalties under the Bush Fires Act 1954 are:

  • Failure to produce a permit to burn $250
  • Failure to prepare a firebreak $250 - $5000
  • Burning when fire danger is Very High or above $250
  • Failure to notify or report the escape of a fire lit under permit $250
  • Offences relating to fires in the open air during a total fire ban $1,000
  • Cost of recovery for response up to $10,000 for failure to maintain the property. Shire can do work at your cost.

What should not be burnt?

Here are some examples of what NOT to burn:

  • Carpet, fabrics or textiles
  • Irrigation and plantation bunting/plastics
  • Green waste that has not been dried for at least 2 months
  • Electrical cables
  • Chemicals
  • Organic solvents
  • Paint
  • Plastic including polystyrene
  • Rubber
  • Waste oil, fats or grease
  • Timber that has been treated with preservatives
  • Tyres
  • Vehicles or vessels and their parts

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