The Shire of Carnarvon receives regular enquiries regarding parking. We have populated the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your query. Please contact us at (08) 9941 0000.

Can I park my car on a grass verge where there is no parking available?

No, not without the consent of the property owner.  Parking on the property without consent is illegal and is a fineable offence. If you are obstructing the walkway or pathway for pedestrians to safely navigate their way, then you can be fined.

It is unacceptable to park a vehicle on a median strip, traffic island or roundabout as these controls divide traffic to make driving on busy roads safer.  To do so can ensure a parking infringement.

I have a trailer hitched onto my vehicle but nowhere to park, can I just take up a few extra parking spaces?

No, you may not. Double parking is illegal, there are parking bays located throughout the Shire of Carnarvon where you can safely park in the long bays with your trailer or caravan hitched to your vehicle without obstructing or taking over other parking spaces. 

The road seems a little narrow, can I park on the footpath instead?

As stated above, you may not park on median strips, roundabouts, or grass verges this includes footpaths, as they are for the safe passage of pedestrians and are commonly shared with wheelchair users, parents with prams, bicycle riders and pets and pet owners. You are only allowed to park on verges where you have permission from the property owner. 

There are no parking spaces available, only disable parking spots, can I park there?

All parking with the ACROD sign (Disabled Parking sign) is designated for people with a disability who have a valid ACROD permit visible on the vehicle dash. Please keep these bays available for those who need them most. 

I need to unhitch my trailer/caravan and drive somewhere quickly; can I just leave it anywhere?

No, you are not allowed to park any unattached trailer or caravan on a thoroughfare. It is your responsibility to find safe and secure parking whether it be at a camping ground, caravan park or private property that is yours or with written permission from the landowner and park your trailer or caravan there. 

Can I park in a no-parking zone?

It is a fineable offence for you to park anywhere, where signage prohibits you from doing so. Refrain from parking in No Stopping areas, No Parking areas, Loadings zones, Bus Stops, and bays.

I have received a parking infringement and would like to appeal it, what steps do I need to take?

Please refer to our infringement FAQ’s. 

Are there any long vehicle bays for parking in the Shire of Carnarvon

Yes, typically there will be signage to indicate whether it is a long-bay parking bay and there will be signage to indicate whether it is not. In the Carnarvon township there are several long bay parking spots within close proximity to the Carnarvon CBD:

  • Corner of Olivia TCE and Robinson St across from Carnarvon Central Shopping Centre
  • The Carnarvon Central Shopping Centre car park is located behind the complex on Olivia Terrace
  • The dump point at Hill St nearby the Chicken Treat fast food restaurant
  • The Civic Centre car park located on Camel Lane

If you are travelling with a camper trailer, caravan, or a trailer we kindly ask you to utilise these areas as they provide ample space for you to safely park your vehicle and ensure the smooth flow of traffic.

Are we allowed to park in a “Loading zone” even if it is only for a few minutes?

No, as stated by the law, only “commercial” vehicles can park in a loading zone, provided that a person is continuously loading or unloading goods into or from that vehicle. All vehicles including those with an ACROD disability permit are forbidden from parking in loading zones in WA.

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