The Shire of Carnarvon purchasing is ensured to achieve the best value for money. The Shire has policies and procedures in place for the management of Tenders and Expressions of Interest (EOIs). These policies meet the Tender and Expression of Interest requirements of the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996

The Shire utilises an online Portal service from ‘Tenderlink.com’ to advertise Tenders and EOIs. This portal streamlines the tendering and EOI and formal quotation processes. Tender and/ or EOI documentation needs to be obtained from the Portal and submissions need to be submitted through the eTender Box on the Portal.

The Shire of Carnarvon’s portal can be viewed by clicking on the following link: Tenderlink

To be able to view current Tenders, registration will be required (there is no charge for the registration).

Enquiries or issues with registration may be referred directly to Tenderlink Customer Support on 1800 233 533 or support@tenderlink.com.

The Shire of Carnarvon have produced a series of 5 videos to assist with tender writing for the beginner and the experienced.  These videos will help the first time tender submission as well as refresh the knowledge base for the season tender writer.  Please click here to access the videos.

Tender Register & Current Opportunities 

Documents for Quotes, Tenders & EOI's
TitleDocument Date
Tender Register 2021June 1, 2021
Tender Register 2022June 1, 2022
EOI - Assistance for Funding Application - Regional Worker AccommodationMarch 17, 2023
Tender Register 2023January 23, 2024
Tender Register 2024October 29, 2024