Infringement Appeals
All infringements are issued under legislation and are required by law (section 9.13 of the Local government Act 1995) to be paid within 28 days.
If you feel the infringement is unfair or incorrect you have the right to request it to be withdrawn. All disputes are to be lodged in writing within 28 days of issue. Lodge your Request to Withdraw from to the Shire by email, post or in person. You can download the Request to Withdraw Form here.
Your infringement will be suspended from the time your written request is received.
Only the CEO of the Shire has authority to withdraw an infringement. An investigation will take place, after which your request and the results of the investigation will be presented to the CEO for consideration.
A Return Address
Please address:
- Postal to The Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Carnarvon, PO Box 459, Carnarvon WA 6701
- Email to
- In person at 3 Francis Street, Carnarvon WA 6701
Important information: (as written on all Infringement notices)
If you do not pay the modified penalty within 28 days, you may be prosecuted in a court or enforcement action may be taken under the Fines, Penalties, and Infringement Notices Enforcement Act 1994. Under that act, your driver's licence or vehicle licence may be suspended; your vehicle licence may be suspended or cancelled; you may be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver's licence or vehicle licence; your vehicle may be immobilised or have its number plates removed; your details may be published on a website; your earnings or bank accounts may be garnished; and your property may be seized and sold. If the matter is registered with the Registry, additional costs will also be payable. If you change your address, it is important that you advise us immediately. Failure to do so may result in your driver's licence or any vehicle licence you hold being suspended without your knowledge. If you need more time to pay the modified penalty, you can apply for an extension of time by writing to the authorised person at the below address.
Request to Withdraw Infringement Form