The Shire of Carnarvon Art Collection is a vibrant tapestry of contemporary artworks that celebrate the spirit and diversity of Western Australia. The Collection features 42 exceptional pieces, both acquisitive and donated, including 8 newly acquired works from the ongoing Portraits of Yinggarda Elders Project.

The collection’s origins date back to the early 1980s, when the Gascoyne Regional Art Council launched its biennial Art Awards. Over the decades, these awards have attracted extraordinary artistic talent, resulting in a rich array of works from across the state. This evolving collection continues to highlight the cultural heritage and contemporary artistic practices of the Gascoyne region and Western Australia.

Objectives of the Shire Art Collection

The Shire of Carnarvon Art Collection Policy has been established to provide a framework for the management, maintenance, and development of the Shire’s Visual Artwork Collection.

This policy aims to:

  • ensure the preservation and safe keeping of the collection.
  • ensure accessibility to the collection by the community.
  • heighten the public profile of the collection leading to greater community awareness, involvement and support.
  • collect works of visual artwork of demonstrable quality by artists of repute who have a connection with the Gascoyne Region and Western Australia with particular emphasis on all artwork of local significance, particularly that by local artists.

Exhibitions and maintenance

The collection is displayed annually, in whole or in part, at the Shire of Carnarvon Library & Art Gallery, with dates listed in the Gallery Exhibitions Calendar. It may also be featured alongside touring or local exhibitions, with curated activations in the Art Gallery Nook or during exhibition transitions.

To ensure its longevity, the Shire conducts regular surveys to identify works needing care and develops ongoing maintenance programs. Funding for maintenance is reviewed annually as part of the Shire’s budget process. 

Shire Art Policy 


The Shire of Carnarvon Art Collection features artists:

Drewfus Gates, Jenny Percy, E. Barber, Shane Jones, Mike Vandeleur, Jane (Unknown), Daryl Jon, Ken Rasmussen, Leith Angelo, Vicki Wallace, Joy Harding, Adam Jauczius, Dianna Morrison, Peter Cooksey, Heather Walls, Julie Silvester, Linda O'Brian, Warayute Bannatee, Ruby McIntosh, Michael Doherty, Dell Mills, Gosia Taylor, Gary Pumfrey, Ian De Lange, Samantha Drummond, Senia Eastmure, Rowena Christ, Russell Smith, Wendy George, Carmen Reilly, Dave Stewart, and Maria Ricupero

Portraits of Yinggarda Elders Project

Eight artworks within the Shire of Carnarvon Art Collection include recent acquisitions from the Portraits of Yinggarda Elders Project, a landmark initiative celebrating reconciliation and cultural heritage.This project honours the Yinggarda community’s rich cultural legacy and was inspired by the theme of “Reconciliation Week: Now More Than Ever.” It preserves and shares the stories of Yinggarda elders through the art of portraiture.

Led by Gosia Taylor with a dedicated working group—including Tracey Tonga (Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation), Cheryl Moncrieff (Shire's Aboriginal Development Officer), and Gosia Taylor (2023 Gascoyne Art Awards winner)—the project provided mentorship to community members in creating portraits that capture the essence of five Yinggarda elders.

The initiative was hosted at the newly established Community Art Hub, in collaboration with Real Futures and the Shire of Carnarvon. This milestone in the Shire’s reconciliation journey paves the way for future cultural projects and deeper community connections.

The Portraits of Yinggarda Elders Project exemplifies the Shire’s commitment to cultural inclusivity and respect, ensuring the stories and legacy of Yinggarda elders are preserved for generations to come.