You can become a member of the library for FREE!
We have several different types of membership available, depending on if you are a resident of the Shire of Carnarvon or simply making our town a temporary adventure on a journey along the Coral Coast.
You can read our Terms & Conditions that apply to library members. Please contact the library by e-mail if you have any questions about joining the library.

Permanent / Long-term Carnarvon Residents / WA Public Library members
Full Membership requires the following:
- Proof or current residential address with two forms of ID. This can be provided as follows: Photo ID such as a driver's license, plus a utilities account, rates account or rental agreement.
- If under the age of 18 years of age, a parent or guardian signature is required.
Borrowing limits: Twelve (12) items (maximum 4 DVDs)
Visitors / Short-term Carnarvon Residents / Non-WA Public Library members
A temporary Visitor Membership requires the following:
- Proof of a temporary address in Carnarvon.
- Proof of a permanent residential address.
Borrowing limits: Two (2) items
Online Temporary members
With a online temporary membership you can:
- borrow e-resources only for three (3) months.
- You must be 16 years or older to apply. If under the age of 18 years of age, a parent or guardian signature is required.
- To borrow physical items or extend your membership past three months, you must come into the Library and provide proof of your current address. This will convert your temporary online membership to a full membership and you will be provided with a Library card.
- To join the Library online, please read the Terms & Conditions and complete the Online Membership Form
Educator/Organisation members
Are you a schoolteacher who wants to borrow for teaching purposes, a home educator hoping to borrow items for a longer period, or want to borrow something for work purposes rather than using your personal library membership? Whatever the situation, come in and talk to us because you may qualify for a Educator/Organisation membership. Additional Terms and Conditions apply.
Outreach deliveries to Stations and Remote Properties
Individuals and families living on remote stations/properties within the Shire of Carnarvon can apply for a station membership.
Regular selections of books, DVDs and magazines are delivered to families; staff select items on behalf of families based on their preferences. Outreach deliveries are made possible courtesy of the regional courier service providers.
