The Shire of Carnarvon receives regular enquiries regarding litter. We have populated the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your query. Please contact us at (08) 9941 0000. 

What is classed as litter?

Litter is anything new or used that has been discarded, toss or thrown out.  Litter diminishes the attractiveness of an area and, depending on the type of the litter, it can cause injury to people, and animals or cause environmental damage, and assist in causing a fire.

What is littering?

Littering is the act of dumping, placing, or dropping litter of any kind anywhere other than in a rubbish bin or at the Brown Range Rubbish Tip.  Littering is illegal and can be punishable by a fine or jail time depending on the type and nature of the litter.  Litter and/or illegal dumping includes rubbish dumped at the side of a road, dropped on a footpath/road/ items left on a verge outside of collection times or left on private or public property.

What are the fines for littering?

Littering is an offence under the Litter Act 1979.

The Litter Act 1979 outlines what litter is and what constitutes littering. Littering offences are investigated and actioned by either the Rangers, Police officers or from the Keep Australia Beautiful Council. Illegal dumping is now covered in the Environmental Protection Act. 

  Insecure or uncovered loads    $200    $5,000 
  Cigarette butt   $200    $5,000 
  Lit Cigarette    $500    $1,000 
  Bill posting     $200    $1,000 
  Leaving flyers on cars      $200    $1,000 
  Breaking glass      $500    $5,000 
  Putting domestic rubbish in public bin    $200    $1,000 
  Fail to give name and address         $1,000 
  Illegal Dumping (EP Act)      $125,000 
  Animal carcass or animal body part    $500     $5,000 
  Asbestos      $500    $5,000 
  Failing to comply as directed by an authorised officer       $1,000   

A court may order the offender to pay the costs of removing the litter.             

How much is a fine for littering?

Litter fines can be issued on-the-spot infringement of up to $500 for individuals or up to $2,000 for companies/businesses.

Who do I report littering or dumping to?

Do you believe you have seen littering occur or found some dumped litter? Contact the Shire of Carnarvon on 9941 0000 with as much detail as you can.

Did you notice or get any of the following:

  • Person’s name and address or description of the offender
  • What sort of vehicle it was- make, model, colour or registration number
  • Date, time and location of the offence
  • Type of litter
  • Location of the problem
  • Did you take a photo on your camera or phone? 

Where is the tip?

The Brown Range Waste Management Facility is located 7km out of the Carnarvon townsite and there are two ways of arriving there:

Turn off onto Speedway Road (next to Outback Travel Center- BP) or

head south towards Geraldton on the North West Coastal Hwy (National HWY 1) for 2km past the OTC Dish, the turnoff is on the left.  

Both turns off points are sign-posted.

Are there any fees?

No, general household rubbish and green waste for residential clients.

Yes, commercial and commercial quantities of waste material will incur a fee.

When is the tip open?

Monday – Friday

7:00AM – 4:00PM

Saturday & Public Holidays



8:00AM – 2:00PM

Rangers Enquiry Form 

We're always open to hearing feedback

What is your enquiry in regards to?*This field is required.