How long can I leave my vehicle unattended at any roadside?

You can leave your vehicle unattended for less than 7 days.  A vehicle left unattended for a period longer than 7 days, will result in the vehicle being towed and impounded.

If my vehicle has been towed from being left for longer than 7 days, who can I contact?

Contact the Shire on 9941 0000 or email shire@carnarvon.wa.gov.au  You will be directed to the appropriate department regarding your vehicle.

I left my car unattended for a few days and someone has vandalized or stolen parts of it.  What do I do?

The Shire of Carnarvon is not responsible or liable for any vehicles left unattended or abandoned.  If your vehicle is damaged or stolen, please contact the Police on 9941 7333.

If my vehicle wasn’t towed by the Shire but it’s not where I left it, who do I call?

The Shire of Carnarvon will contact the person the car is registered to.  

All reports of damage, items missing from within the vehicle or stolen vehicles are to be directed to the Police on 9941 7333 or at the Police Station on the corner of Babbage Island Road and Robinson Street. 

How much is the impound fee to free my car? 

Fees are set by Council as part of the budget process each year in July or August.  A current schedule of fees and charges can be found on the  Shire's website at 

I found an abandoned car, who do I contact? 

If you think you have found an abandoned car, please contact the Shire Rangers on 9941 0019.

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