All ratepayers in the Shire of Carnarvon will be sent an annual rate notice at the beginning of the financial year. It will state the rates due for the financial year, as well as the cost of waste collection. 

Local Authority Rates are a levy based upon Gross Rental Values and Unimproved Values, determined by the Valuer General. 
Rates are calculated by multiplying 2 values, subject to a minimum rate: 

  •  Gross rental value of the property 
  •  Rate in the dollar value 

To allow for more equitable distribution of the total rate burden, a minimum rate is applied. A minimum rate will be set for properties assessed on both the Gross Rental Valuation formula and the Unimproved Valuation formula. A minimum rate ensures that every property contributes to providing services and facilities for the community. 
Rates are the responsibility of the current owner of a property. New owners and those transferring ownership do have a legal responsibility to inform local authorities when a change in ownership or the address for service of notice occurs.  

What is a Gross Rental Value (GRV)? 

The Gross rental value (GRV) is an estimate of the rent a property could earn in a year. Vacant properties are valued at 5% of the current market price of the entire property. 
Each property's GRV is determined by Landgate, an independent agency of the Western Australian Government, and reviewed every 5 years. The most recent review was undertaken in 2024. 
Property valuations are sent from Landgate to the Shire of Carnarvon, and we are not able to alter the GRV without the advice of Landgate. 
If you wish to dispute the value of your property, and thus your rate payment, please visit the Landgate Website which provides more information, including a downloadable Objections to Valuation form. 

The completed objection form must be lodged within 60 days of the issue of your annual rate notice.  

What is a 'Rate in the Dollar Value'? 

The rate in the dollar value is set by the Shire of Carnarvon Council as part of the annual budget. The budget process determines the cost of all our services, facilities, and operations, and thus the total amount of revenue required. The rate in dollar is then calculated based on the income required to be raised, and the total value of all the properties in the Shire. 

Objections cannot be made against the rate in the dollar value or other charges levied by the Council.  

How does Differential Rating work? 

The Shire of Carnarvon aim is to ensure that rate revenue is collected on an equitable basis from all properties. For this reason, Council has adopted differential rates.  The differential rating allows Council flexibility in the level of rates being raised from specifically identified properties or groups of properties within the community. It is common for Councils to base differential rating for properties on Town Planning Scheme zonings however other criteria such as land use may be used. 

The rates in the dollar ($) for GRV & UV rate categories are calculated to provide the shortfall in revenue required to make up the budget deficiency to enable the Shire to provide the level and range of works and services required in the current financial year after considering all non-rate sources of revenue.  

Gross Rental Values (GRV) & Unimproved Value (UV) 

Differential Rates for the current financial year


GRV - Residential 

9.8174 cents per $, with minimum rate of $1,322.00

GRV - Special Use/Rural

11.0600 cents per $, with minimum rate of $1,322.00

GRV - Commercial/Industrial 

11.1138 cents per $, with minimum rate of $1,322.00

UV - Mining 

26.6372 cents per $, with minimum rate of $485.00

UV - Pastoral

12.7344 cents per $, with minimum rate of $1,322.00

UV -Intensive Horticulture

2.6491 cents per $, with minimum rate of $1,322.00



Specified Area Rate-pursuant to Part 6, Division 6, Section 6.37 Coral Bay Refuse Site Maintenance 

7.5170 Cents in the dollar applied to all rateable properties within Coral Bay for the maintenance of the Coral Bay refuse site.

Emergency Services Levy (ESL) 

The Emergency Services Levy (ESL) is a State Government charge applicable to all properties in WA, which is invoiced and collected by local governments on behalf of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). The ESL provides the majority of funding required for career and volunteer Fire & Emergency Services brigades, DEFS multi-function brigades/units, Bush Fire brigades and State Emergency Service units. 
The amount of ESL to be collected, and the applicable rates and charging parameters, are declared annually by the Minister for Emergency Services. 

For more information please visit dfes.wa.gov.au/esl or call 1300 136 099

Sanitation Charges - Rubbish Collection 

The sanitation charge covers a 240-litre bin collected weekly. 

Domestic Refuse Service                $522.00  

Commercial Refuse Service            $522.00