The Local Planning Strategy is the Shire's strategic land use and decision making document for the next 10-15 years. This is the first time that a local planning strategy has been prepared for the Shire of Carnarvon.

Local Planning Strategy 

The Local Planning Strategy aims to include;

  • Set out the key aspirations of stakeholders;
  • Accommodate the future needs of the community;
  • Create opportunities to enhance and protect local attributes; and
  • Provide a framework to achieve long-term local and regional objectives and goals.
Documents for Planning Strategies
TitleDocument Date
Shire of Carnarvon Local Planning StrategyMarch 31, 2017
On Our HorizonOctober 11, 2022

Local Planning Policies 

Documents for Local Planning Policies
TitleDocument Date
Property FencesMarch 4, 2025
OutbuildingsMarch 4, 2025
Signs and AdvertisingMarch 4, 2025
Alfresco DinningMarch 4, 2025

Unveiling the Future of Carnarvon through the Local Planning Strategy Review


Shire of Carnarvon Local Planning Strategy

The Shire is reviewing its local planning strategy, to guide long term land use planning, development, and management for the next 15 years for the region. It will outline how the Shire can accommodate the anticipated future population and how it will respond to economic, environmental, and social issues. This strategy is essential in supporting the region’s growth and fulfilling Carnarvon’s role as the regional centre.

We invite you to contribute your ideas on Carnarvon's future. Explore the 'Get Involved’ section below to stay updated on current developments.


What is a local planning strategy?

A local planning strategy is one of the key guiding documents that sets out the framework for local planning and development over the next 10 to 15 years in the region. It provides a way to interpret State and regional strategies and policies at the local level. This lets the Shire appropriately plan and manage population growth and set long term strategic direction for a range of topics influencing and influenced by planning and development including housing, economic, environmental, and social concerns.

Why is a Local Planning Strategy needed?

A Local Planning Strategy is a guide for the Local Planning Scheme. All local governments are required to prepare a Local Planning Strategy under the State Governments' Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, before preparing a new Local Planning Scheme.

It outlines the important steps for the Shire and others ensuring that the planning is undertaken collaboratively and consistent with the principles and objectives of the strategy and provides a high-level strategic perspective on population growth, housing needs, the local economy, transport, and spaces where our community live, work and visit.

What is the Shire of Carnarvon engaging the community about?

Our primary objective is to understand the needs and aspirations of the community, so these can be translated in a meaningful way into the planning framework.

Previous community and stakeholder consultation has uncovered the values of the community, especially through the work on the Strategic Community Plan. We need to test and dig deeper on the elements that are relevant to the planning framework and identify any gaps or new emerging ideas.

The Shire will undertake a community workshop, an online-info session and a community survey. Your involvement will help us plan for the future needs of the community, preserving local characteristics, and establish a framework to achieve both short-term and long-term goals for the entire Shire.

How long will this project take?

The preparation of Local Planning Strategy takes time. There are many steps and different stakeholders who need to contribute to the plan, as well as approval at the local and state government level.

It is envisaged that the Local Planning Strategy will be tentatively completed by the May 2025. This includes an opportunity for preliminary community engagement (April-June 2024), preparing a draft Local Planning Strategy (late 2024), public advertising of the draft strategy (early 2025) and endorsement by the Shire and Western Australian Planning Commission for the final Local Planning Strategy (approximately May 2025).

What are you asking me to provide feedback on?

The Local Planning Strategy will be an important community space; and community input is essential to ensuring the outcome meets the needs and aspirations of the people using it (or who would like to use it).

During the preliminary consultation phase (April 26 – June 2, 2024), the Shire will:

· Provide the community with an overview of the project, key findings from background analysis and opportunities to get involved;

· Provide opportunities for you to provide input regarding your vision and aspirations for the Shire; and

· Seek feedback on strategic priorities for the community, industry and business.

How is this project related to the Coral Bay Settlement project?

The Coral Bay Settlement Structure Plan (CBSSP) project has been launched at the same time as the Local Planning Strategy review due to significant overlap between stakeholders. The CBSSP is a document that provides specific and very local planning guidance for Coral Bay, recognising the

importance of ecological sustainability for this important marine park whilst supporting tourism and business opportunities in the Coral Bay area.

The existing CBSSP is due to expire by 2025. Renewal requires review to test if it remains current to broader regional matters and understanding of local environmental limitations. The first stage of the CBSSP review will consider the existing tourism bed cap (the limit to numbers of visitors that can be accommodated in Coral Bay) and then look at the land uses and development that may be permitted. Stage 2 will be preparation of a new CBSSP.

Doing the project at the same time as the Local Planning Strategy review has the dual benefit of ensuring that the LPS can be clear with regard to planning for Coral Bay and reduces overall consulting costs which benefits all ratepayers of the Shire.

By getting involved in the Carnarvon Local Planning Strategy project, you will also be contributing to the CBSSP project. We will be clear when questions are specific to the CBSSP project.

How can I get involved?

Preliminary engagement will run between April 26 and June 2, 2024. You can participate in several ways:

All feedback will be reviewed and will inform the draft Local Planning Strategy prior to it being submitted to Shire and the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Feedback related to the CBSSP will be used in the preparation of a new CBSSP, with the timing of further engagement on that project to be determined.

How can I get involved?

Preliminary engagement will run between April 26 and June 2, 2024. You can participate in several ways:

1 - Visit the Carnarvon Library at 18 Egan Street, Carnarvon, where our team can answer some questions on Tuesday 14 May between 2pm and 4pm.

2 - Attend our Community Workshop on Saturday 18 May 2024 between 1pm and 4pm at the Carnarvon Library 18 Egan Street, Carnarvon. Please register so we can cater appropriately via 

3 - If you can’t make it in person, attend our online meeting where you can hear about the project and respond to some of the same exercises on May 22 between 4:30 and 6:00pm. Registration for this event is via 

4 - Share your thoughts via the online survey this survey closes June 2, 2024.

5 - Email or talk to us! Shire staff and Councillors want to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Send us an email, call, write to us, make an appointment and come in for a chat. The project lead for this project can be reached via 

6 - Register your email address via to receive updates on the Local Planning Strategy. Once registered we will make sure you receive direct notice of any opportunities to be involved and provide regular updates.

All feedback will be reviewed and will inform the draft Local Planning Strategy prior to it being submitted to Shire and the Western Australian Planning Commission.

Feedback related to the CBSSP will be used in the preparation of a new CBSSP, with the timing of further engagement on that project to be determined.


· Shire of Carnarvon Local Planning Strategy.

· Community Strategic Community Plan – 2022-2032.

· Corporate Business Plan – 2022-2027.


Shire of Carnarvon, Regulatory Services, Development and Community.

(08) 9941 0000