The Shire of Carnarvon receives regular enquiries regarding cats. We have populated the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your query. Please contact us at (08) 9941 0000 or complete the enquiry form below. 

Do I need to register my cat?

Yes.  All cats are to be registered, sterilized (desexed) and are to wear a valid registration tag at all times, as prescribed under the Cat Act 2011, Cat Regulations 2012 and the Shire of Carnarvon Cat Local Law. 

How do I register my cat?

You can register your cat by completing the online form and making payment on the Shire of Carnarvon website or in person at 3 Francis St Carnarvon WA 6701.  Alternatively, you can phone or email the shire office and request a registration form be emailed to you.

You will need to supply proof of microchipping with the number, a copy of the sterilisation certificate if the dog has been sterilised.

How much are the fees to register my cat?

Annual registration 


Three years registration        


Lifetime registration 


Registrations fees are legislated and not set by the Shire of Carnarvon. 

Can I breed my cat?

Yes, if you have approval. Approval must obtain an application for approval to breed cats and it is $100.00 per cat, per annum. 

How many cats can I have on one residential property?

The maximum is 3 and each cat must be registered. 

What are the conditions for cat registrations? 

Under the Cat Act 2011, Cat Regulations 2012 and the Shire of Carnarvon Cat Local Law The zoning of the land is under the local planning scheme. 

  • All cats over six months must be sterilised
  • The physical suitability of the premises for the proposed use; 
  • The environmental sensitivity and general nature of the location surrounding the premises for the proposed use; 
  • The structural suitability of any enclosure in which any cat is to be kept; 
  • The likelihood of a cat causing a nuisance, inconvenience or annoyance to an occupier of adjoining land; 
  • The likely effect on the amenity of the surrounding area of the proposed use; 
  • The likely effect on the local environment including any pollution or other environmental damage, which may be caused by the proposed use; 
  • And any other factors which the local government considers to be relevant in the circumstances of the application. Approval is to be in the form determined by the local government and is to be issued to the approved person. 

Cat enquiry form 

If you have an enquiry call the Shire on 08 9941 0000, the Rangers at (08) 9941 0019 or email  Alternatively, you can come into the Shire office and complete a Customer Feedback form. 


Rangers Enquiry Form 

We're always open to hearing feedback

What is your enquiry in regards to?*This field is required.