The Shire of Carnarvon receives regular enquiries regarding livestock. We have populated the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your query. Please contact us at (08) 9941 0000. 

What is livestock?

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development defines Livestock species as any animal that is farmed for domesticated use, including, cattle (ox, calf bull), bees, camels, goats, horses (ass, mule, donkey, or pony), pigs, poultry and birds (ostrich and emus) and sheep. 

What do I have to do to be able to keep livestock on my land?

Keeping livestock on land is subject to:

  • Property conditions under the Local Planning Scheme
  • Number and type of stock
  • Environmental implications and management
  • Animal Welfare considerations
  • Effect on neighbouring properties

All these factors will be decided by the Shire to determine whether you are legally allowed to keep livestock on your property. 

What are the guidelines and laws used to determine whether livestock can be kept on a property? 

  • Legislation – Acts, Regulations and Standards
  • Shire Gazetted Local Laws
  • Local Planning Schemes
  • Town Planning R-Codes
  • Environmental Health Regulations and Standards

Can I keep livestock in or around townsites situated within the Shire of Carnarvon? 

No, you may not keep any livestock in or around townsites unless written approval has been given by the local government.

Shire of Carnarvon Health Amendment Local Laws 2002- P. 5, Div. 3 

What are some of the conditions required after getting approval to house and keep livestock/ large animals? 

An owner or occupier of premises shall provide their horse, cow or large animal a stable which is not within 15 metres of a house or other premises, a proper separate stall for each cow, horse or large animal, and the floor area for each stable shall be a minimum of 6 square metres. The owner shall construct these stables with cement, concrete or other similar impervious materials.

These are just a few of the several factors that need to be complied with under the Shire of Carnarvon Health Local Laws 1997 (as amended 15/7/2021) - P. 5, Div. 3  

I have received a notice of the seizure and detention of my livestock, what do I do? 

Shire Rangers have the authority to seize any livestock that is deemed to be trespassing or unlawfully wandering on Crown Land or housed without written approval on a Residential/Urban property. You will be given 3 days from the date and time the notice was served to claim your livestock.  You will be required to pay the impound and sustenance fees as well as the infringement in accordance with the Shire’s fees and charges before collection of the animals.  Failure to pay for the fines and fees and or collection of the livestock will result in the livestock being sold or otherwise disposed of.

  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 – S. 466           
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 S. 458 

What is poultry and how much poultry can I keep on one property?

Under the Shire of Carnarvon’s Local Laws poultry includes chickens, peafowl, turkeys, geese, and ducks, NO more than 12 birds may be kept unless the land is zoned as rural. If you would like to or already have more than 12 birds on one property you must contact the Shire and apply for a license to house more than 12 birds as required by the Shire of Carnarvon’s Local Laws. Alternatively, rehome any birds over the number of 12 to remain compliant.

Roosters are not permitted within Residential areas at any time. 

What type of poultry can I keep?

Ducks and fowls include chooks, chickens, and hens. Roosters, turkeys, geese, peacocks, and peahens are NOT permitted in residential areas.

If you are found to house any poultry not permitted, you could be charged with an infringement. 

Does poultry need an enclosure?

Yes.  Poultry must be kept in a properly constructed and securely fastened enclosure or structure that is situated on a yard that is at least an area of 30m2

Contact the Environmental Health Officers for further information. 

Where can I put their enclosure on my property and how big does my yard need to be to place an enclosure for my poultry?

Environmental Health standards state that residents should keep their poultry or pigeons and their enclosures at least 1.2 metres from the property boundary. 

Do I need to maintain the enclosures or stables? 

The owner or occupier of the premises must keep the property free from manure, food waste, vermin and all other matter which is or is likely to become offensive or injurious to health or to attract rats, or other transmitters of disease.

You may be directed by any of the Shire’s Environmental Health Officers to clean and disinfect the premises and/or spray the premises with a residual insecticide or other effective means to keep the premises free from flies or other transmitters of disease.    

Failure to comply with these rules and regulations may result in a fine.

Shire of Carnarvon Health Local Laws 1997 (as amended 15/7/2021), P. 5, Div. 2 

What is the length of distance I can keep my poultry from a dwelling or a street? 

No, poultry can be able to approach within 15m of a dwelling house, public building, place of employment or food premises; and within 18m of a street other than a right of way, without Council approval. 

I’d like to make a complaint about my neighbour’s poultry regarding odour, dust, noise, flies, or rats, what can I do?

As with all complaints, please feel free to send your complaint in by email to or bring it in writing to the Shire office at 3 Francis St where we can then process your complaint and investigate.  Please ensure you clearly state your complaint and your contact details and provide as much evidence as possible to provide our Rangers and Environmental Health Officers with the best chance of conducting a successful investigation. 

If you would like to remain anonymous, we will honour that request in regard to neighbours and the community.  However, in order to investigate fully and report back to you, it is a requirement that you provide your full accurate contact details (phone number, email address, residential and/or postal address).   

The Rangers and Environment Health Officers will not disclose who made the complaint.  Nor will they approach your property without first contacting you by phone. 

Where can I take my horse and ride it? 

Essentially you can take your horse on any public road unless it is a freeway or otherwise stated by signage. Under traffic laws, horses ridden or driven (in harness) on roads, nature strips, paths and footpaths are treated the same as vehicles. They have the same rights and responsibilities as other vehicles, including motor vehicles, bicycles and power-assisted pedal cycles.

Western Australian Road Traffic Code 2000

Horses may be exercised at Pelican Point between the beach entry points to the southern end of Norwest Seafood/ old whaling station on Binning Road and the Ablution block on Pelican Point Road between the hours of 5 am and 9 am. 

I would like to become a beekeeper, how do I register?

To become a beekeeper in Western Australia you must be registered with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development as it is a legal requirement and upon registration, you’ll be issued with a certificate and given a Unique Brand Identifier; this number must be printed on all your beekeeping equipment.

Please contact the Department of Primary industries and Regional Development for more information. 

How many hives can I keep on one lot? 

You are only allowed 2 hives on a lot that is zoned for residential purposes.

For larger scale and commercial beekeeping please contact the Department of Primary industries and Regional Development for more information. 

Where can I place the hives? 

You can place your beehives outside where it is 10 metres from any building, fence, footpath, street, private street or public place and 5 metres from the boundary of the lot. The hive must be enclosed on all sides by a fence, wall, or other enclosure. Your lot must have an adequate and permanent supply of water within 10 metres of where you will place the hive. 

My neighbour's bees are becoming a nuisance, who do I contact? 

In the first instance, approach your neighbour in a respectful manner to discuss the issue.  Should this line of communication be unsuccessful, please contact the Shire on 9941 0000 where the Customer Service Officers can forward your concern to our Environmental Health Officers.  Or you can voice your complaint it in writing or email us at

All beekeepers in accordance with the law will abide by any instructions given to them by the Environmental Health Officer.

Shire of Carnarvon Health Local Laws 1997 (as amended 15/7/2021) P. 6 Div. 7 

There is a swarm of bees at my house, who can remove them? 

There are some Apiarists in Carnarvon that will come and get bees.

If you are an Apiarist who would like to be listed as a person to contact please email 

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