Shire of Carnarvon Releases Comprehensive Asset Management Plan

Published on Thursday, 4 July 2024 at 2:53:17 PM

As part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, the Shire of Carnarvon has developed an Asset Management Plan to ensure the sustainable delivery of essential services and maintenance of community assets. This initiative is in line with Section 5.56 (1) of the Local Government Act 1995, which requires a Strategic Community Plan and a Corporate Business Plan as part of the future planning for local governments.

The Asset Management Plan is an informing strategy within the integrated planning framework. It is designed to provide the Shire with a plan for managing infrastructure and other assets, enabling the delivery of services at an agreed level. This plan plays a pivotal role in guiding decision-making processes related to the acquisition, renewal, and replacement of assets.

The importance of the Asset Management Plan cannot be overstated, as it highlights the current depreciation rate of Shire assets, which collectively amount to approximately $9.2 million each year. This level of depreciation presents a significant challenge, given the current revenue and expenditure levels, making it difficult to fund the maintenance and renewal of these assets fully.

This challenge is not unique to the Shire of Carnarvon. Many small to medium-sized Shires across Australia face similar issues, especially those without financial support from mining or other large economic development activities. This situation places the Council in a challenging position, balancing the need to maintain existing service levels and asset conditions while managing community expectations for new facilities.

However, the Asset Management Plan outlines several measures aimed at improving current asset management practices to bridge the gap between financial constraints and community needs. The Shire has already commenced work on enhancing asset inspection systems and implementing early interventions to prolong the life of existing assets.

Furthermore, there are encouraging signs of increased economic development within the Shire. The Shire of Carnarvon remains committed to facilitating economic growth, which is beginning to generate positive outcomes. However, reversing the current asset management challenges is a long-term effort that requires ongoing dedication and strategic focus.

The Shire of Carnarvon’s Asset Management Plan is available on the Shire’s website at 

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