Celebrating Carnarvon Playgroup!

Published on Monday, 16 December 2024 at 2:10:00 PM

Celebrating Carnarvon Playgroup!

Carnarvon Playgroup celebrated its official re-opening on Friday 13th December 2024 by throwing a fun-filled, action-packed special Christmas Party.  The event was enjoyed by well over 20 adults and 50 children who came along dressed in their festive outfits ready to meet a very special guest, Santa, and his festive fairies.  Each family brought along food to share, with everyone tucking in to a delicious morning tea.    

Carnarvon Playgroup’s President, Tina Harvey and the playgroup committee are to be commended for their tireless work towards re-launching the Friday playgroup sessions.  As successful applicants in Round 2 of the Shire of Carnarvon Community Growth Fund, they were able to utilise funds to replenish the play resources and other equipment so that families have what’s required to participate in an inclusive and supportive space with their peers, enjoying playful learning every week, building strong connections and a sense of belonging in Carnarvon from birth.

Having been a parent-led initiative since 1983, Carnarvon Playgroup closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Thanks to the commitment and efforts of a group of dedicated parents, this re-launch demonstrates how strong community spirit and partnerships can bring about change.

The Shire of Carnarvon would like to congratulate Carnarvon Playgroup committee on its successful re-launch and wishes them ongoing success.

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