The Shire of Carnarvon receives regular enquiries regarding infringements. We have populated the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your query. Please contact us at (08) 9941 0000. 

Who is qualified to hand out infringements?

The Chief Executive Officer, Rangers and Shire employees under delegation and in accordance with the Acts, Regulations, Standards and Local Laws are empowered to issue infringements.

Some of the other persons qualified to hand out infringements are:

  • WA Police Officers
  • Australian Federal Police
  • Australian Border Force
  • RSPCA – under the Animal Welfare Act

What laws does the Shire enforce?

Shire Officers are responsible for enforcing the following legislation:

  • Dog Act 1976, Cat Act and associated local laws
  • Litter Act 1979 and associated local laws
  • Control of Vehicles (Off-Road Areas) Act 1978 and associated local laws
  • Caravan and Camping Ground Act 1995 and associated local laws
  • Local Government Act 1995 (in relation to vehicle offences)
  • Bush Fires Act 1954 and associated local laws
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 and associated local laws; and
  • Various Local Laws of the Shire of Carnarvon 

I wish to dispute the infringement given to me?

All disputes must be lodged within 28 days of the infringement date.  They must be in writing:                                                    

By post to:                                                                                                                                                                 

Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Carnarvon
PO Box 459
Carnarvon WA 6701

Email to:  
SUBJECT LINE:  "Infringement Dispute" or Request for Infringement Withdrawal" 
ADDRESSED TO:  Chief Executive Officer 

How can I pay for my infringement?

You can pay:

  • By phone: 9941 0000 and provide your card details to the Customer Service Officers who will then process the payments for you and will email you your receipt.
  • Online by clicking on the “Make Payment” and following the prompts.
  • In person at the Shire Office Building at 3 Francis St. by cash, cheque, money order or card.

You must include:

  1. The Infringement number is located at the top right corner of the infringement notice, including to 2 letter prefix
  2. A valid phone number
  3. A valid email address
  4. Your name is required
  5. For camping or Parking include the vehicle registration number

What happens if I choose not to pay the fine?

If you have not paid within the 28-day period, you will incur further fees and a final demand notice.  You will then have another 28 days to pay.  Should you still choose not to pay the Infringement will be lodged with the Department of Justice for debt collection. 

As stated on the infringement –

“If you do not pay the modified penalty within 28 days after the date of this notice, you may be prosecuted, or enforcement action may be taken under the Fines, Penalties and Infringement Notices Enforcement Act 1994. Under that Act, some or all of the following actions may be taken your driver’s licence may be suspended, your vehicle licence may be suspended or cancelled, you may be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence or vehicle licence, your vehicle may be immobilised or have its number plates removed, your details may be published on a website, your earnings or bank accounts may be garnished, and your property may be seized and sold.”

How long do I have to pay my fine?

28 days from the date of infringement. 

Rangers Enquiry Form 

We're always open to hearing feedback

What is your enquiry in regards to?*This field is required.