Latest update Thursday 23 August 2023
🚧 Please be advised that Stage 4 will commence Saturday 28 August 2023 🚧
Current works are slightly ahead of schedule and are proceeding to the next Stage two days earlier than previously estimated.
Reconstruction of Robinson Street southbound lane from the Medical Centre roundabout to the Camel Lane roundabout will be completed in this stage.
Road and parking area pavements in Robinson Street southbound lane will be removed.
The remaining road foundation will be compacted, and root barriers will be installed in the garden beds next to the traffic lanes.
Reinforced charcoal tinted concrete road pavement will replace all road and parking areas.
Pedestrian access across Robinson Street opposite the Alexandra Street intersection will be reconstructed.
New pedestrian access across Robinson Street opposite the Medical Centre/Barry Evans carpark will be constructed, with line marking completed for parking areas.
- Robinson Street Southbound Lane CLOSED.
- Egan Street Robinson Street Intersection CLOSED.
- Median strip and adjacent parking CLOSED.
- Medical Centre/Barry Evans carpark entry from Robinson Street CLOSED.
- Temporary access to Medical Centre/Barry Evans carpark via Egan Street OPEN.
- Additional parking on Town Oval OPEN.
Traffic management arrangements for Stage 4 are as follows:
- Robinson Street Southbound traffic detour via Olivia Terrace and Camel Lane.
- Egan Street to detour via Rushton and Francis Streets.
For any queries, please email or phone 9941 0000.
Latest update Thursday 17 August 2023
🚧 Please be advised that Stage 3 will commence Thursday 17 August 2023 🚧
Current works are on track and proceeding to our expectations.
This stage consists of two new stormwater pipe connections across Robinson Street that will be constructed.
This requires trench excavations across the northbound lane of Robinson Street at Alexandra Street and in front of the Woolworths/Shopping Centre entrance near the roundabout.
The pedestrian crossing at Alexandra Street near the Port Hotel will be reconstructed for stormwater drainage from Alexandra Street.
Impact in this stage increases as the northbound lane of Robinson Street from Camel Lane roundabout to Woolworths/Shopping Centre roundabout will be closed to all traffic and parking.
The intersection of Alexander Street and Robinson Street will be closed. Alexander Street cannot be accessed from Robinson Street but can be accessed near Camel Lane, vehicles will be able to park alongside the Port Hotel and exit the way they came. See overleaf for map.
Please note pedestrians will not be able to cross Alexandra Street at the existing crossing point.
For any queries please email or phone 9941 0000
Latest update Friday 4 August 2023
🚧 Please be advised that Stage 2 will commence Monday 7 August 2023 🚧
Current works are on track and proceeding to our expectations.
This stage consists of two new stormwater pipe connections across Robinson Street that will be constructed.
This requires trench excavations across the northbound lane of Robinson Street at Alexandra Street and in front of the Woolworths/Shopping Centre entrance near the roundabout.
The pedestrian crossing at Alexandra Street near the Port Hotel will be reconstructed for stormwater drainage from Alexandra Street.
Impact in this stage increases as the northbound lane of Robinson Street from Camel Lane roundabout to Woolworths/Shopping Centre roundabout will be closed to all traffic and parking.
The intersection of Alexander Street and Robinson Street will be closed. Alexander Street cannot be accessed from Robinson Street but can be accessed near Camel Lane, vehicles will be able to park alongside the Port Hotel and exit the way they came.
Please note pedestrians will not be able to cross Alexander Street at the existing crossing point.
Latest update Wednesday 26 July 2023
Please be advised that the Robinson Street Reconstruction will commence Monday 31st July 2023.
The Robinson Street Reconstruction project covers the area from the roundabout at Robinson Street and Olivia Terrace (Woolworths corner) to the roundabout at Robinson Street and Camel Lane (Woolshed corner).
There are six stages to this project, please see below details outlining Stage 1.
Stage 1 – Major Works Establishment and Preliminaries.
Consists of installation of traffic management signage, temporary site fencing, removal of lawn, trees, and landscape features from the median strip, removal of boardwalks from median strip, removal of irrigation and electrical services.
Impact of this stage is that parking areas next to the median strip on both sides of the road will need to be closed. These areas are required for laydown of construction material and construction vehicles and plant. Construction fencing will prevent pedestrians crossing Robinson Street other than at existing crossings at Woolworths/Medical Centre and Camel Lane roundabout. That will remain the case for all remaining stages.
Please note that traffic access on both lanes of Robinson Street will not be impacted by Stage 1 works.
Information about future stages will be provided in the near future.
Latest update Friday 14 April 2023
Good news for the residents of Carnarvon, as the Shire Council has announced that the much-needed reconstruction works on the affected portion Robinson Street will commence in August 2023.
Council accepted the sole tender submission from First Class Constructions (WA) Pty Ltd and has allocated additional funding from its 2023/24 Roads to Recovery program to cover the total expenditure. The reconstruction project aligns with the Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032, which aims to improve the quality and accessibility of infrastructure, housing, and amenities in the area.
The project will initially focus on improving stormwater drainage and the removal of existing pavement and subgrade. This will be followed by the reinstatement of kerbing and the installation of a prepared subgrade and construction of concrete pavement surface.
Whilst drainage and pavement works are underway, Shire crews will be working on upgrades to reticulation and turf through the centre of the median.
The project is expected to take approximately three months to complete, with a proposed commencement date in August. Works and road closures will be carefully managed to reduce impact to businesses on this busy street.
Previous update Friday 3rd February 2023
The Project Manager Greenfield Technical Services, together with the Shire, has been able to complete the design and technical specification for the improvement of the drainage and replacement of the pavement.
All relevant information for the Robinson Street Reconstruction has been included in a Tender package.
The Tender – RFT 02/2023 Robinson Street Reconstruction, for the engagement of a Contractor will be advertised from Saturday 4 February 2023. Submissions will close on Wednesday 1 March 2023. The Tender Package will available from the Shire’s Tenderlink Portal.
Depending on the submissions, awarding of the Contract is expected in late March.
A major concern was raised regarding the timing of the works, with the works potentially impacting on the Total Solar Eclipse Event in late April 2023. To avoid any disruption the Shire has decided to commence reconstruction works after the event - however temporary remedial works are being investigated to ensure the street is safe and trafficable prior to school holidays and Total Solar Eclipse event.
Further information regarding the timing of the works will be provided upon award of the Contract.
To subscribe to email updates, further questions or concerns regarding the project, please send an email to and let us know.
Previous update Wednesday 16th November 2022
The Shire of Carnarvon has allocated funding to reconstruct a section of approx. 185m of Robinson Street in the main street.
A Project Manager, Greenfield Technical Services has been engaged the assist the Shire with:
- Delivery of appropriate design to improve the drainage and replacement of the pavement
- Engagement of a suitable contractor(s)
- Onsite supervision during the works
Two Stakeholder consultation sessions (23 May and 3 November 2022) have taken place to inform and allow immediate Business owners (located within the section of the reconstruction works) to ask questions, raise concerns and provide ideas for the project. The draft design layout was presented during the November session. Draft Layout.
A major concern raised during the Stakeholder consultation was timing of the works, with the works not to impact the Total Solar Eclipse Event in late April 2023.
The Shire will make every effort to minimise disruption of the Main Street during the Solar Eclipse event. A possible solution might be to start with the drainage works before the Solar Eclipse event and complete the reconstruction of the pavement after the event.
The Project Manager is in the final stages of the design and Tender documentation preparation. The Shire is working towards awarding the contract as early as possible in January.
Commencement of the works will be depending on the availability of the contractor(s).
To subscribe to email updates, further questions or concerns regarding the project, please send an email to and let us know.
Previous update 8 April 2022
The Shire of Carnarvon has allocated funding to reconstruct a section of approx. 185m of Robinson Street in the main street.
The area of the reconstruction works is from the intersection with Olivia Terrace to the intersection with Camel Lane on the eastern carriageway (traffic into the town) only.
The commencement date of the works is to be determined.
All efforts will be made to minimise the disruption to the public and the affected business.