COVID 19 - Mask Wearing

Published on Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 4:34:00 PM

COVID 19 - Mask Wearing 

Anyone who has left Perth, Peel, Wheatbelt or Great Southern regions and entered a regional area, including arrivals into the Shire of Carnarvon, are required to wear a mask as per requirements.

Anyone who has been in Perth, Peel Wheatbelt or Great Southern regions since 6pm, Thursday 27 January 2022 and has since returned to the regions must also comply with mask-wearing requirements.

This is in support of the WA Health advice and Hon Mark McGowan's Media Statement made on 27 January 2022. For further and full information please use this link regarding mask directives Media Statement

If requiring further assistance, please call 13COVID 13 26843

Keep updated by watching our Facebook and Website notices by 12pm today, 31 January 2022, regarding proof of vaccinations. Thank You

For more information on COVID19, please click Here